Non-Invasive Pain Management

Comprehensive Center for Women's Medicine
Integrative and Holistic Women's Health Practice located in Gold Coast, Chicago, IL
The most recent data on chronic pain prevalence in the US was published by The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health in 2016. Nearly 20% of American adults have chronic pain and 8% say that it limits at least one major life activity. You don’t have to live with pain. At the Comprehensive Center for Women’s Medicine in Chicago, the integrative and holistic health practitioners provide noninvasive pain relief treatments to help restore your quality of life. Call the office or book online to learn how you can get relief from conditions such as arthritis, migraines, fibromyalgia, sciatica, pelvic pain, and more.
Non-Invasive Pain Management
What is the impact of unmanaged pain?
Chronic pain can lead to restricted mobility, opioid dependence, anxiety, depression and reduced quality of life. Chronic pain contributes to $560 billion annually in medical costs, lost productivity and disability programs in the United States.
Women and older adults tend to report a higher prevalence of pain. As a result, the use of opioid medications has skyrocketed, and the annual death toll from opioid overdoses exceeds those of many cancers, with drug overdose being the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 50.
What are noninvasive pain relief strategies?
The Comprehensive Center for Women’s Medicine offers highly effective, drug-free solutions to those suffering from chronic pain. The integrative practitioners teach patients about the importance of anti-inflammatory diet and exercise and are the first medical practice in Chicago to offer treatment with the handheld, smart pain management device.
Dynamic neuromodulation applied through FirstTx® uses a bidirectional microcurrent to not only block the painful stimulus, as do other electrostimulation devices that are currently in use, but it engages the body to utilize its own potential for healing, resulting in pain relief. The electrical impulses generated by the FirstTx are similar to those produced by your body’s natural neurological impulses. The state-of-the-art technology includes a biofeedback capability as it effectively treats pain.
The instrument is FDA cleared for acute, chronic, and post-operative pain. Treatments are comfortable and greatly enhance the results of traditional physical therapy and home exercise programs.
What issues and conditions can be treated with noninvasive pain relief strategies?
The individualized, comprehensive, highly effective pain management strategies offered at Comprehensive Center for Women’s Medicine can provide relief for numerous conditions including:
- Back, Knee, Neck and Joint Pain and Inflammation
- Sciatica
- Costochondritis
- Fibromyalgia
- TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction
- Arthritis
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Headaches, Including Migraines
- Sports Injuries
- Pain Related to PMS and Endometriosis
- Urinary Incontinence
Noninvasive dynamic neurostimulation, such as that used at the office of the Comprehensive Center for Women’s Medicine, is not a new approach to pain relief. Other countries use the treatment and have done so for several decades with great success. It is just that healthcare professionals in the United States are only now becoming more aware of this modality and its pain-relieving potential and seek training to use it on patients. That professional training is also provided at the Center.
If you suffer from chronic pain, contact the Comprehensive Center for Women’s Medicine to learn more about the noninvasive management strategies and therapies available. Call today or schedule a consultation using the online tool.